I love when other bloggers post random factoids about themselves. It's like a little peek inside of someone's world that you otherwise may not have glimpsed in just reading the "typical" blog posts.
So in honor of the 28 days of February, I settled on 28 random facts about myself. I hope I'm actually interesting enough to come up with 28 things! Hahaha!
1. My favorite TV shows are: Project Runway & Chopped
2. My favorite color is green.
3. My middle name is Anna.
4. My son, Nathan, was born 7.5 weeks premature and weighed 3 pounds, but otherwise was perfectly healthy! Thank God! :)
5. I have green/light brown/gold eyes that seem to change color with my moods...which freaks my husband out sometimes! Haha!
6. I'm only 5'1"
7. I love peanut butter with bacon!
8. I drive a bright blue PT Cruiser convertible.
9. My maiden name is Baumgardner (11 letters, OY!)
10. I cringe when people scrape their eating utensils on their teeth.
11. It makes me crazy when people say "I
seen so-and-so at the market..." The grammar-marm in me starts having a panic attack! LOL
12. I lightened my hair to blond for about 15 years before finally realizing God knew what He was doing when He made me a brunette.
13. I write poetry.
14. My husband's name is "Chesty" -- really.
15. I have 1 sister, 1 brother, and 2 step-brothers. I'm the youngest.
16. I lift heavy weights at the gym, and am participating in a lifting competition this April.
17. I handcycle -- here's a picture in case you've never seen one...people always stop me to check it out. :)

18. Although I've been from Florida to Maine on the east coast, I've never been further west than Clearwater, Florida on the Gulf Coast. I feel like I'd be landlocked and itching to be near a coast if I were in the center of the US. Haha!
19. I crack my knuckles... gross, I know.
20. I have a tattoo on my left inner wrist that has 3 stars, 1 for my son (green), 1 for my husband (red), and one for me (purple).
21. I have 5 tattoos in all. The wrist one, a star of David with a yellow flower in it, a bird with a branch in her mouth, a twisted vine with pink roses, and an Egyptian ankh, which is the symbol for "Life."
22. I usually have my toenails painted some crazy color.
23. I have the right lyrics to thousands of songs in my head.
24. My celebrity crush is Javier Bardem *swoon*

25. I used to play the trumpet.
26. Before I was injured, I taught aerobics and weight training.
27. I read like crazy...mostly non-fiction.
28. I want my gravestone to read:
"Some of it's magic - Some of it's tragic - But I had a good life all the way"